Another MRI

I took Mama for an abdominal MRI with dye contrast today.  We were informed at the desk that her chest MRI scheduled for tomorrow was canceled.  We were told that the doctor wanted to concentrate on her abdomen.  After thinking about it, I remember that Surgeon told us that thyroid cancer was extremely slow-growing and the lung cancer was what we would worry about. I was alarmed when the nurse said the Oncologist asked for the results immediately.

SO, I'm not going to speculate.  I already have suspicions that nag at the back of my head but I'm pushing them away as much as I can.

After the test I drove Mama back to her condo.  We talked about various things.  She brought up her divorce from my father all those years ago.  I said that she and Daddy had used us kids as a way of getting back at each other. She apologized.  I was amazed that she did so. She so rarely says she's sorry for anything that I was speechless. I finally said that I appreciated her apology.  She looked thoughtful for several minutes.  Perhaps this horrible experience will be a way for us to heal the past hurts that have plagued our relationship over the decades.  I wish we could have done this years ago. As it is, it feels like we have so little time left.

We'll know the test results on Monday.


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