The Second Interview

This morning witnessed my second interview for the Honolulu job.  Driving in, I was surprised that there was so little traffic, but I suppose most of the rush hour commuters were already at work by 8:30, so I cruised in early by 35 minutes.  It was nice to have plenty of time to compose myself and make sure my hair was brushed and my skirt straight before I walked up for presentation.

The interview committee was made up of 4 dynamic women.  They were obviously enthused about their jobs and wanted to know how well I'd fit into the company.  They talked about the lack of politics and the team spirit there.  I was thrilled to hear about a workplace where people actually worked together rather than competed with each other.

The interview lasted about 20 minutes.  I THINK I did well.  I was told that they'd make their decision and I'd hear the results tomorrow morning.

This is it.  If I get the job we get to stay in Hawaii.  I'll have to get another part-time job in the evenings to make up the rest of the income I need to pay all my bills each month AND pay back the money I owe, but I should be able to cross-train for other, better-paying positions within the company and eventually not have to have two jobs to make ends meet.

If I DON'T get this job we'll have to move back to Utah to live with Second Daughter and Son-in-Law.

I REALLY want to stay in Hawaii.  This job is important.  Cross your fingers for me. Please.


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