Juice Fast - Day 3

Nope.  Today is not better.

Last night hay fever hit hard.  I couldn't breathe through my nose until after 2:30.  Woke again having trouble breathing at 5:30. Today I'm tired, achy, head achy, and cranky. Blah.

2 stalks kale, 2 mangoes, 1 orange, 1 banana, 1 handful parsley, 1 handful alfalfa sprouts, 1/2 tray of ice.
This is pretty yummy and refreshing. I'm hoping the parsley does good things for my acid reflux difficulties.

Speaking of acid reflux: I've been drinking 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar after dinner. The vinegar usually does away with the problem although it causes me to burp a lot.  Maybe it's the gas build up in my stomach that causes the acid to leak out into my esophagus.  Whatever the mechanism, it seems to help so I think I'll drink vinegar after every meal for a while to see if that makes any difference.

Family gets more leftovers.  I'm not cooking again until they eat up what I've already made.
I drink: 1 chayote, 2 stalks kale, 1 small red chili pepper, 15 cherry tomatoes, 1/2 green pepper, 1 Braeburn apple, 1 beet, 1 small handful parsley, small handful of basil, 2 handfuls of frozen cranberries. There is certainly no scientific method being used here.  I'm just putting what sounds like it might be tasty into the blender. This particular blend turned out a beautiful red and is very spicy.  I like spicy.  Family members deem it too hot for them. Vinegar is going to have to be the digestif for this meal!

I went for a bike ride earlier today.  I stopped to look at something and just fell over.  I lost some skin and gained some bruises but the worst part was the frustration I felt at not being in control of my body.  Over the years I've gone from a svelte, active, healthy woman to an overweight, pain-ridden older woman with bad knees. Those same knees are the reason I stopped running, biking, and hiking. I'm hoping that this juice fast will supply my body with the nutrients it needs so I can become svelte, active, and healthy again. Maybe that's asking for too much but wish me luck anyway.



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