Day 1 of New Eating Habits

Today's blog is pretty mundane. Tomorrow will give the beige wall some real competition.

I woke up feeling good.  I have energy. I lost another 2 pounds overnight. I get to eat normally. How much better could life be?

Family: They ate cereal
Me: 1/2 papaya, about 1/2 cup of Indian eggplant and tomatoes

Today is a pretty normal Saturday; cleaning the house, doing laundry, shopping for shorts for Butterfly (she gets to use her birthday gift cards).  It feels like there should be a celebration of some sort for my new life. Honestly, I just feel wonderful. I MUST be feeling good; I'm cleaning and organizing without reason.

Family: Sourdough hotdogs (I asked if they wanted me to make lunch for them - negatory)
Me: Salad of spinach, cherry tomatoes, broccoli, carrots, alfalfa sprouts, sliced pieces of a mozzarella stick, sesame dressing. Yum.

Shopped with Butterfly for camp shorts and t-shirts.  She was happy with the new stuff. She leaves on Monday and will be gone for 4 days.  Whoo hoo!  What shall I do for fun?

Leftovers for all. I also had a bowl of salad greens for dessert.  I ate each exquisite bite in pure bliss.

Went for a 2-mile walk just for fun.

I am so very happy!


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