Bibliobsession: Vampire Academy

Three years ago I got caught up in Twilight madness. I read the entire series at the rate of one book a day until I was done. Didn't get much of anything else done, but as obsessed as I was with the series, no one seemed to expect much out of me until I was finished anyway.

As much as I loved the series, I HATED the heroine, Bella Swan. She was weak, clumsy, and always needed to be rescued, much of the time from herself. How could I admire someone like that?

Fast forward three years. While at Borders Bookstore, looking for a book to give Butterfly for her birthday, the salesclerk asked what books Butterfly had read and loved. Upon hearing Twilight, she said we HAD to get the Vampire Academy series. On faith, we purchased the first two books in the series, took them home, and wrapped them up to wait for the birthday.

Butterfly was interested in the idea of more vampires stories and tenuously began reading. I picked up the first book while Butterfly was at school and quickly became hooked.

OH MY GOODNESS! Teenager Rose Hathaway is a heroine I can love. She's tough, smart, beautiful and kills the bad guys all by herself. There's teen angst, some vulgar language and occasional sex, so some parental discretion is called for, but it's lots of fun and I like Rose so much better than pathetic Bella.

I've read the first four books and now must go out to buy number 5. The final book is due to be released December 7, 2010. I love these biblio-obsessions.

If you got hooked on the Twilight series and haven't read the Vampire Academy series yet, you MUST read the first chapter of the first book, Vampire Academy. You'll be hooked, too.

Try not to stay up all night finishing it!

Vampire Academy
Shadow Kiss
Blood Promise
Spirit Bound
Last Sacrifice


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