Honey White Bread recipe

I returned from my vacation in Utah to a dead car; the clutch in the Saab had exploded and needed to be replaced. The problem with European cars in Hawaii is a lack of locally available parts, so all parts must be ordered from the mainland. The car's been in the shop for two weeks now; maybe I'll get it back by the end of next week.

In the meantime, I've been taking the bus to work. That simple little change has added an additional 4 hours a day to my commute time. That's time I would have normally been spending working on this blog and doing any number of other interesting things.

The lack of car has meant that I can't work at the Hickham commissary because I can no longer get on base. That means a cut in pay in an already meager existence.

So, in spite of lack of time, I'm now making as many things from scratch as possible; bread for instance. It's a good thing I used to make bread from scratch all the time (back when I was a stay at home housewife and could afford the luxury of making EVERYTHING from basic ingredients.)

I developed this recipe in that long ago time. It makes 5 loaves of heavenly white bread. It's delicious hot out of the oven slathered with real butter and honey.

Honey White Bread

½ cup honey
1/3 cup oil
2 Tablespoons salt
7 cups warm milk
2 Tablespoons yeast (2 pkg)
12 or more cups of flour

Mix everything but the flour together. Add enough flour to make a stiff dough. Knead for 10 minutes. Place in oiled bowl. Cover. Let rise until doubled (around 2 hours)

Divide into 5 equal pieces. Form into loaves and place in oiled bread pans. Cover with a towel and again allow to rise until doubled.

Bake at 375° for 30 minutes or until tops of loaves are browned. Oil the tops of the loaves. Remove from bread pans and cool on wire racks.


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