A long day

I just got back from working my night job. Butterfly was occupied with a church activity so I went to work early this evening. I managed to finish up quickly and left earlier than normal so now I have time to write in this blog.

Besides being overly tired, I'm feeling rather melancholy tonight. I hate having my mother mad at me even though you'd think I'd be used to it by now. Since she might not be around for very much longer I hate feeling like we STILL don't know how to get along.

Auntie says to just call Mama to ask how she's doing even though Auntie is pretty sure that Mama will be curt, abrupt and rude. As oldest daughter (and the only daughter around these days) it's my duty to make the first effort. Auntie's probably right, I should make the first effort AGAIN, but being so tired makes me feel incredibly vulnerable.

This week will be filled with homework, school, regular household stuff_that_HAS_to_be_done, work, work, and more work, another business meeting, and now calling Mama to see if we can patch up our relationship again. Believe me, it's the last item that I dread the most.

Fire-breathing dragons sound so much friendlier.


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