New Year 2013

Happy New Year Everyone!  Happy Year of the Snake!

Goodness, it's been a very long time since I've written in this blog! I've finished my first semester of acupuncture school and have a whole week off with no school, no clinic, and no work, so I have time to restart writing in MotherNatureSays.

Keeping with the new year tradition, I've come up with my 2013 resolutions. Last year I didn't make any resolutions at all; a first for me. I must have been in a funk last year, or something... This year, since I'm in school full-time, I'll have to become more organized in order to accomplish everything I want.

#1. Foremost, this year I want to become a more tolerant person. Getting back into academia was something I really wanted, but it was more difficult than I anticipated to go into a completely alien cultural environment. I'm going to a Taoist acupuncture school. They just do things differently; traditional Chinese medicine requires an entirely different mindset from Western scientific methods. Asking questions isn't exactly encouraged. The Master is always right (even when she isn't). I had major difficulty wrapping my head around the acupuncture points. AND it IS harder for me now that I'm older, to memorize and retain the information, especially when it didn't seem to make any sense to me to begin with.

Anyway, I'd get really wound up, frustrated, agitated, irritated, torqued, how many ways can you say "bent out of shape"? I even considered quitting and going to another school. BUT, I've made friends (and that's not an easy thing for me to do), I really like some of my instructors, and I love my clinical supervisor even though she is a really tough cookie to please.

SO, my number one goal this year is to relax over perfection. I don't have to know everything right now. It's okay if I don't learn as quickly as some of my younger classmates. It's okay to let go. To paraphrase a wise friend, 'C still equals diploma'.

#2. I'm going to practice anticipating my boss's needs. I work part-time as an IT person at my school. I've gotten into spats with my employer because I thought she wanted me to read her mind. At least that was my perception. She DOES want me to figure things out for myself and I've "figured it out" in ways that she didn't appreciate. I was asked, if she had to tell me what to do, what did she need me for? Since I love my job and I don't want another panic attack at work, I will utilize my #1 goal. I've also decided that a more productive frame of mind was to view this interaction with my employer as "anticipating her needs". Putting this into practice last work day resulted in a happy boss and a pleasant day of employment for me. It just required a different way of looking at things.

#3. Blog more regularly. That means that my posts may be much shorter. They might contain weird things about what I'm learning at school, or my ideas for another home business venture, or stuff about my tribulations with juice fasting, or my frustrations with teenage Butterfly, or any number of other non-related subjects. This ties in with the parallel goal of "write everyday". I may not blog every day, but I do want to write everyday.

#4. Juice very day. I was given a Hurom juicer for Christmas! I am sooooo very happy to get it. I had been blending my veggies/fruit, then putting the stuff through a fine-mesh strainer, then putting the resulting juice through a micro-fiber cloth to strain it again. The whole process took so much time that it wasn't feasible to do it on the mornings I needed to leave the house less than an hour after waking up. Now juicing only takes a few minutes and the result makes a marvelous breakfast.

#5. Create a more organized home. I've discovered the FlyLady. Her motto is: 
"Clutter cannot be organized. It can only be eliminated! Get rid of clutter and you will find the time that you need to bless yourself and your family." ~FlyLady  
My home is never really messy but I've definitely developed spots that need decluttering. I'm working on the 15_minutes_at_a_time theory, i.e. you can do anything for 15 minutes. Which leads to my next goal -->

#6. Exercise for 15 minutes per day. If I can master this, then perhaps I can work up to more.

That is my list of goals for this year. Now, if I could just make some academic goals for Butterfly...

Happy New Year to all of you! I wish you prosperity, joy, good health, and love! May this year be better than the last!


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