Saturday, January 12, 2013

Resolutions Checkup

Today was the first day of the new semester. Yes, I agree, Saturday is a weird day for the first day of class. My schedule this semester has class and clinic from Friday through Monday. I have Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday off, except I work at the school on Wednesday and I'm available for substitute teaching on Tuesday and Thursday. So, technically, I have NO days off this semester. It's feeling like a very long four months already.

 I was tallying up how well I am doing on my 2013 resolutions so far. Obviously, I'm not writing everyday on this blog, but I AM writing several times per week. Check.

I've fallen off the wagon once in my endeavor to be a more tolerant person. I came a little unglued when told that I had to re-fill out and resubmit ALL the documentation when I missed a deadline with a government agency even though none of my personal data had changed and the agency had ALL of my data already. But I'm TRYING to be less uptight and more relaxed when it comes to dealing with folks that do/think vastly differently than I. So I think continuing to become a more tolerant person counts. Check.

 Anticipating my boss's needs; yep, I'm still working on that.

Check. Juice every day; I've missed two days but have juiced all the other days. I've lost 7 pounds since Christmas because of the juicing (doing my happy dance!) So, check.
Create a more organized home...I'm still working on this one. I have made it a habit to "shine my sink" before going to bed. Just having a clean kitchen makes getting up so much easier. I've also been "swishing and wiping" my bathroom in the morning. Consequently, the bathroom is always clean. Nice. My major difficulty lies with paper clutter. I always seem to have piles of paper. I think it's because that really isn't a home for the stuff. So I continue to work on organizing. Check.

 Exercise for 15 minutes per day. This is my downfall. I haven't been consistent with this in any shape or form. I picked up a copy of "Dance Off the Inches: Sizzling Salsa" from the $5 bin at Walmart. It's fun but my knees are complaining (lots and lots). I think that rather than give in to my knees and give up dancing, I'll start taking collagen capsules and retaking glucosamine/chondroitin horse pills to strengthen and rebuild the balky knees. So, I haven't given up on exercising, I just have to recommit.

That's enough's time to start on my homework.

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